(English below)
La Revista Inter-Americana & Europea de Derechos Humanos acepta artículos, ensayos y comentarios a efectos de su consideración para ser publicados.
La Revista
La Revista Interamericana & Europea de Derechos Humanos aspira ofrecer un espacio internacional para la investigación en el ámbito de los derechos humanos relevante para (Latino)América y Europa. Situada en el punto de encuentro entre ambos continentes, la revista busca convertirse en un lugar de intercambio de ideas y puntos de vista entre académicos y profesionales en el ámbito de los derechos humanos de universidades (latino)americanas y europeas, centros de investigación, organizaciones no gubernamentales, etc. Temas generales de derechos humanos interesantes en el ámbito latinoamericano y europeo serán objeto de publicación. Asimismo, se tendrán en cuenta temas de los otros continentes si son relevantes en el contexto de los derechos humanos en el ámbito (latino)americano y europeo. La revista se enfoca tanto a temas jurídicos de derechos humanos como a temas interdisciplinarios. La Revista es publicada dos veces por año. Su Comité Editorial está conformado por investigadores y expertos en el ámbito de los derechos humanos. Una evaluación anónima de la calidad de los escritos es hecha por expertos.
Sometimiento de manuscritos
Los manuscritos deben ser escritos en español o inglés (ortografía Reino Unido) y serán publicados en la lengua en la que fueron entregados. Los escritos deben ser originales. Esto quiere decir que no deben estar bajo consideración de publicarse en otro lugar, y que no han sido publicados previamente en inglés, español u otro idioma. Artículos originalmente publicados en otra lengua podrían, bajo circunstancias excepcionales, ser aceptados para publicarse. El autor debe indicar si este es el caso. Los miembros del Comité Ejecutivo serán quienes decidan sobre su publicación.
Los artículos deben contener entre 5.000 y 10.000 palabras, incluidas las notas al pie de página. Sin embargo, contribuciones más largas serán excepcionalmente aceptadas. Tanto un resumen en la lengua original como en la otra lengua, de no más de 250 palabras, deben ser incluidos en el artículo.
Los manuscritos deberán presentarse en formato Word (.doc), letra Times New Roman 12 (pies de página 10), a doble espacio. Por favor, evitar demasiados códigos. Las páginas deben ser numeradas de forma consecutiva, incluso los anexos, en la parte inferior derecha. La primera página debe contener, en una nota al pie autobiográfica después del nombre de cada autor, el nombre completo de todos los autores, así como sus afiliaciones académicas o profesionales y la dirección electrónica de cada autor. Todos los manuscritos deben cumplir con las directrices que se pueden descargar aquí.
Los manuscritos deberán presentarse en formato Word (.doc), letra Times New Roman 12 (pies de página 10), a doble espacio. Por favor, evitar demasiados códigos. Las páginas deben ser numeradas de forma consecutiva, incluso los anexos, en la parte inferior derecha. La primera página debe contener, en una nota al pie autobiográfica después del nombre de cada autor, el nombre completo de todos los autores, así como sus afiliaciones académicas o profesionales y la dirección electrónica de cada autor. Todos los manuscritos deben cumplir con las directrices que se pueden descargar aquí.
Los miembros del Comité Ejecutivo harán una evaluación inicial de todos los manuscritos recibidos. Los escritos elegidos serán evaluados por al menos dos miembros del Comité Ejecutivo sobre la base de anonimidad. Los miembros del Comité Ejecutivo se reservan, a su discreción, el derecho de enviar los artículos para una evaluación externa. En todo caso, la decisión final será tomada por los miembros del Comité Ejecutivo, quienes se reservan el derecho de rechazar un manuscrito, o en el caso que un manuscrito sea aceptado, de hacer algunas correcciones o acortar el texto. Cualquier cambio que tenga efecto en la parte sustancial del texto será únicamente realizado con el consentimiento del autor.
Los manuscritos a ser considerados para publicación deben enviarse a: iaehr-journal@UGent.be
The Inter-American & European Human Rights Journal
welcomes the submission of unsolicited articles, essays, and comments for
consideration by the Editorial Board with a view to publication.
The Journal
The Inter-American &
European Human Rights Journal aims to offer an
international platform for research in the field of human rights of relevance
for (Latin) America and Europe. Situated on the crossroads between both
continents, the journal is well-placed to be a place of exchange of ideas and
views between academic scholars and practitioners in the field of human rights
from both European and (Latin-)American universities, research institutions,
non-governmental organisations, etc. General topics on human rights relevant
for the European and Latin-American context shall be considered for
publication. In the same way, topics from other continents will also be
considered for publication if relevant for the European and (Latin-)American
contexts. The journal focuses both on human rights law issues as well as
interdisciplinary issues. The Journal appears twice a year.
Manuscripts must be written in English (UK spelling) or
Spanish and will be published in the language in which they were submitted.
Manuscripts should be original. This means that a manuscript is not under
consideration for publication elsewhere and that it contains work not
previously published in English, Spanish or in another language elsewhere.
Articles originally published in another language might, in certain exceptional
circumstances, be accepted for publication. The author should indicate if this is
the case. It is up to the Executive Editors to decide upon acceptance.
Manuscripts should average between 5.000 and 10.000 words in
length, including footnotes. However, longer contributions may exceptionally be
considered for publication. A summary in the original language of no more than
250 words should be included with the manuscript, as well as a summary in the
other language.
Manuscripts should be typed in Word format (.doc) in Times
New Roman, point-size 12 (footnotes point-size 10) and double-spaced. Please,
avoid too many codes. Pages should be numbered sequentially, including
appendices, at the bottom (left) of the page. The title page should list the
full names of all authors. The academic or professional affiliations and e-mail
address of the each author should be provided in a brief autobiographical
footnote after the name of each author. All manuscripts must conform
with the author guidelines that can be downloaded here.
The Executive Editors will make an initial screening of all
manuscripts received. Selected manuscripts will be reviewed by at least two
members of the Editorial Board on the basis of anonymity. The Executive Editors
reserve the right to send manuscripts for external review at their discretion.
The final decision is made by the Executive Editors, who reserve the right to
refuse any manuscript, or, in case manuscripts are accepted, to add certain
corrections or shorten them. Any changes affecting the substance of the text
will only be made in agreement with the author. Manuscripts to be considered for publication
should be sent to: iaehr-journal@UGent.be
Executive editors / Editores ejecutivos
- Clara Burbano Herrera, Senior Research Fellow, Human Rights
Centre, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium, Postdoctoral Research Fellow,
Research Foundation Flanders, Brussels, Belgium
- Yves Haeck, Editor-in-Chief, Professor of Constitutional
and International Human Rights Law, Department of Constitutional Law &
Human Rights Centre, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium
- Claudia Martin, Professorial Lecturer in Residence and
Co-Director Academy on Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Washington College of
Law, Washington DC, USA
- Diego Rodriguez-Pinzón, Professorial Lecturer in Residence
and Co-Director Academy on Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Washington
College of Law, Washington DC, USA
- Oswaldo Ruiz-Chiriboga, Research Fellow, Human Rights
Centre, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium
- Kristien Van Ingelgem, Managing Editor, Department of
Constitutional Law, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium
- Leo Zwaak, Associate Professor of Law, Netherlands
Institute of Human Rights, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands,
Visiting Professor, Washington College of Law, Washington DC, USA
Editorial board / Comité editorial
- Victor Abramovich, Professor of Human Rights, Universidad
Nacional de Lanús, Lanús, Argentina
- Gudmundur Alfredsson, Professor of International Law and
Human Rights, Université de Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France
- Juan Amaya Castro, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Free
University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Visiting Professor of
International Human Rights Law, University for Peace, Ciudad Colón, Costa Rica
- Juan Carlos Arjona Estévez, Consultant in
Human Rights, Mexico DF, Mexico
- Claire Breen, Associate Professor, University of Waikato,
Waikato, New Zealand
- Antônio Cançado Trindade, Professor of International and
Regional Human Rights Courts, Utrecht University, The Netherlands, Judge
International Court of Justice, The Hague, The Netherlands, former President
Inter-American Court of Human Rights
- Alicia Cebada Romero, Professor of International Public Law
and International Relations, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
- Paul De Hert, Professor of Criminal Law and International
Criminal Law, Free University of Brussels, Brussels, Belgium
- Ernesto de la Jara, Professor, Pontificia
Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima, Peru
- Francisco Eguiguren Praeli, Embassador of Perú in Spain,
Madrid, Spain
- Felipe González Morales, Professor of Public International
Law, Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago de Chile, Chili, Commissioner
Inter-American Commission on Human Rights
- Claudio Grossman, Professor of Law and Dean Washington
College of Law, Washington DC, USA, Chair UN Committee Against Torture, former
President Inter-American Commission on Human Rights
- José Antonio Guevara Bermúdez, Professor of Human Rights,
Universidad Iberoamericana and Instituto Tecnológico de México, Third Inspector
General, Commission for Human Rights of Mexico City, Mexico DF, Mexico
- Cecilia Medina Quiroga, former President Inter-American
Court of Human Rights and former Co-Director Centro de Derechos Humanos,
Universidad de Chile, Santiago de Chile, Chile
- Manfred Nowak, Professor of Constitutional Law and Human
Rights, Director Ludwig Böltzmann Institute of Human Rights, Vienna University,
Vienna, Austria, former UN Special Rapporteur on Torture
- Oscar Parra Vera, Senior Staff Attorney, Inter-American
Court of Human Rights, San José, Costa Rica
- Eva Rieter, Assistant Professor of Public International Law
& Human Rights Law, Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
- Francisco Rivera Juaristi, Assistant Clinical Professor and
Director of the International Human Rights Clinic, Santa Clara University
School of Law, Santa Clara, USA
- Alan Rosas, Judge Court of Justice of the European Union,
- Jeremy Sarkin, Professor, University of South Africa,
Republic of South Africa, Member UN Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary
- William Schabas, Professor of International Law, University
of Middlesex, London, United Kingdom, Professor of Human Rights Law and
International Criminal Law, University of Leiden, Leiden, The Netherlands,
Professor of Human Rights Law, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland
- Magdalena Sepúlveda, UN Independent Expert on the Question
of Human Rights and Extreme Poverty, Geneva, Switzerland
- Françoise Tulkens, Extraordinary Professor of Law,
University of Louvain-la-Neuve, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, former
Vice-President European Court of Human Rights
- Johan Vande Lanotte, Professor of Constitutional Law,
Department of Constitutional Law, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium, Deputy
Prime Minister and Minister of Economy of Belgium, Brussels, Belgium
- Andy Van Pachtenbeke, Research Fellow, Department of
Constitutional Law & Human Rights Centre, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium,
Lawyer, Kortrijk, Belgium
- John Vervaele, Professor of Economic and Financial Criminal
Law, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands, Professor of European
Criminal Law, College of Europe, Bruges, Belgium