
sábado, 15 de agosto de 2015

Libro sobre los derechos de los adultos mayores

Reporte elaborado por Oswaldo Ruiz-Chiriboga.

Claudia Martin, Diego Rodríguez-Pinzón y Bethany Brown publicaron el libro Human Rights of Older People. Universal and Regional Legal Perspectives (Springer, 2015), dentro del cual se encuentra un capítulo de los mismos autores titulado “The Americas and the Human Rights of Older Persons: Historical Overview and New Developments”. Este es el resumen:

The region of North America, Latin America and the Caribbean has a number of interregional treaties and bodies that impact older people’s human rights. This chapter explores the human rights instruments adopted in the framework of the Organization of American States, a regional organization comprised of all states of the region, as they apply to older persons. Moreover, it extensively covers the interpretation of the regional bodies that have jurisdiction to apply those human rights treaties and discusses the case law and practice applicable to the protection of human rights of older persons. In addition, this chapter includes the relevant discussions regarding the current negotiations on the adoption of an Inter-American Convention on the Human Rights of Older Persons.”

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