Este reporte fue elaborado por Oswaldo Ruiz-Chiriboga.
En la última edición de la revista International
Journal of Human Rights (Vol. 17, No. 5-6, 2013, pp. 689-706), David
James Cantor y Stefania Eugenia Barichello publicaron un artículo titulado “The Inter-American Human Rights System: a New Model for Integrating Refugee and Complementary Protection?”. Este es el abstract:
“A novel set of
protections for refugees and asylum-seekers exists within the Inter-American
human rights system, the scope of which has been developed considerably in
recent years through the jurisprudence of its institutions. Whilst these
advances have attracted comparatively little academic commentary, and are
relatively unknown even among practitioners in the region, the present article
shows that they offer an important new model for integrating principles of both
refugee and complementary protection. This article contributes to a wider
literature on the relationship between the regime established by international
refugee law and the complementary protection regimes that have emerged in human
rights law for persons who have international protection needs despite not
being refugees. By describing and analysing the distinct strands of the
generous Inter-American standards relating to refugees and asylum-seekers, the
article explores both their positive implications and interpretative challenges
for the future of asylum in the Americas.”