
martes, 30 de julio de 2013

Artículo sobre intervenciones psicosociales en procesos de reparación en el Sistema Interamericano

Este reporte fue elaborado por Oswaldo Ruiz-Chiriboga.

En la revista Cahiers Psychologie Politique (Vol. 23, 2013) se publicó un artículo de Gina Donoso, titulado “Unsilencing Victims: The Role of Cross-Cultural Psychosocial Interventions in Reparation Processes for Victims of Human Rights Violations. The Inter-American System Experience.  Este es el resumen del artículo:

“Reparations for victims and survivors of severe human rights violations are a challenging field. It is during this process that victims often place their hopes of finding justice and redress. However, victims’ voices are frequently unheard and secondary victimization during proceedings is recurrent. In general, legal and social institutions are limited to a repair the irreparable. In Latin-America, but in many other places, this complexity has been even more intricate when the ethnic component is part of the scenario.  Cultural differences are usually unidentified or overlooked. Psychosocial interventions and mental health care in cross-cultural reparation processes for human rights violations may contribute to redress victims and communities comprehensively.  However, they face a number of epistemological and practical shortcomings (e.g. lack of interdisciplinary policies) that will be explored along the document. For this purpose, paradigmatic indigenous cases from the Inter-American Court of Human Rights are examined. Finally, I will argue that a more interdisciplinary research and practice combining law with social psychology and anthropology can innovatively advise policy makers in the global human rights area.  Effective and adequate cross-cultural psychosocial processes, although they cannot ensure successful trial outcomes for victims, may still contribute to the victims’ recovery by promoting self-agency and sensitiveness.”