
sábado, 29 de julio de 2017

Edición especial de la Revista Direito e Práxis sobre el futuro del SIDH

Reporte elaborado por Oswaldo Ruiz-Chiriboga. 

La Revista Direito e Práxis (Vol. 8, No. 2, 2017) dedicó un número especial al futuro del Sistema Interamericano. A continuación el índice de la Revista: 

Editorial - Vol. 8, n. 2, 2017 - Issue "The future of the Inter-American Human Rights System"
Marcelo Torelly 

Reconceptualising the Impact of the Inter-American Human Rights System
Par Engstrom

Effectiveness of Legislative Changes Proposed by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights
Carina Calabria 

Latin American Human Rights ius constitutionale comune and the Inter-American Human Rights System: Perspectives and Challenges
Flávia Piovesan 

Inter-American Conventionality Control at Domestic Level: A Notion Still under Construction
David Lovatón Palacios 

Brazilian Human Rights Activism on the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights Reports (1970-2015)
Marrielle Maia & Rodrigo Assis Lima 

The Victims’ Participation in the Inter-American Human Rights System: The Grounds and the Meaning of the Right to Participate
Carla Osmo & Kathia Martin-Chenut 

Violence against Women as a Translocal Category in the Jurisprudence of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights
Mariana Prandini Assis 

The Inter-American Human Rights System and Discrimination Against LGBTTI: Overview, Potentiality and Limits
Roger Raupp Rios, Alice Hertzog Resadori, Paulo Gilberto Cogo Leivas & Gilberto Schafer

The Future of the Inter-American Human Rights System: The IACHR and the Democratic Breaks
Rossana Rocha Reis 

A Human Rights’ Tale of Competing Narratives
Carlos Arturo Villagrán Sandoval & Fabia Fernandes Carvalho Veçoso 

Democracy and Transparency in the IAHRS: An Experience in Progress
Katya Salazar & Naomi Roht-Arriaza

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