
miércoles, 15 de febrero de 2017

PhD Summer School on International Law: Courts and Contexts

Reporte elaborado por Oswaldo Ruiz-Chiriboga. 

Los Centros iCourts y PluriCourts convocan a estudiantes de doctorado (PhD), que se encuentren investigado temas relacionados con cortes internacionales, a su curso de verano de alto nivel que se llevará a cabo del 26 al 30 de junio de 2017 en Copenhague, Dinamarca. A continuación un extracto de la convocatoria (más información puede consultarse aquí):

"The Centre of Excellence for International Courts (iCourts) and PluriCourts (Centre for the Study of the Legitimate Roles of the Judiciary in the Global Order) are hosting a high-level summer school for PhD students working on international courts in their social and political context. We particularly welcome students who are writing up a PhD thesis that involves a strong focus on methodology. 

The set-up
The iCourts/PluriCourts PhD summer school is based on the principle of participant contributions. This means that students who sign up for the summer school are expected to take an active part in the scholarly discussions and to participate in the exercises that are part of the learning program. 

As you learn more through active participation and cooperation, the summer school requires that you are willing to present your work and to share your intellectual curiosity with others by asking questions and giving comments to other participants. 


Time: 26 June - 30 June 2017 at 9:00 - 18:00  

Participation and expenses: The course is offered free of charge but the participants pay for expenses relating to travel and accommodation. 

Deadline for submission: 1 April 2017. Please use this registration form

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