
domingo, 21 de febrero de 2016

Artículo sobre derechos reproductivos en el Sistema Interamericano

Reporte elaborado por Oswaldo Ruiz-Chiriboga.

El libro Gender, Sexuality and Social Justice: What’s Law Got to Do with It? (Kay Lalor et al. Institute of Development Studies, 2016) incluye un capítulo de Ciara O’Connell titulado “Engendering Reproductive Rights in the Inter-American System” (pp. 58-65. A continuación un extracto de la introducción del capítulo:

This article reflects on fieldwork conducted in the summer of 2014 to introduce key challenges the Inter-American System of Human Rights faces in incorporating a gender-based approach to women’s reproductive rights violations. First, an introduction to the Inter-American System sets the stage for an examination of the role of gender in human rights law. Second, a brief overview of the women’s reproductive rights protections within human rights law elucidates the context in which reproductive rights exist. Next, this article introduces fieldwork methodology and initial findings in order to share ideas about how actors involved in and around reproductive rights cases engage with the concept of gender. Finally, an examination of the Artavia Murillo et al. (‘In vitro fertilization’) v Costa Rica case from 2012 highlights advancements and missed opportunities in how the Inter-American Court applies gender to a reproductive rights case.”

La totalidad del libro se encuentra disponible gratuitamente aquí.

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