
lunes, 1 de diciembre de 2014

PhD Summer School 2015, International Law: Courts and Contexts

Este reporte fue elaborado por Oswaldo Ruiz-Chiriboga.

Los Centros ICourts (Centre of Excellence for International Courts) y PluriCourts (Centre for the Study of the Legitimate Roles of the Judiciary in the Global Order) organizarán un curso de verano de alto nivel para estudiantes de PhD que se encuentren trabajando en temas de derecho internacional, en especial estudios interdisciplinarios en derecho internacional y su contexto social y político. Particularmente serán bienvenidos estudiantes de PhD y académicos que se encuentren escribiendo un tesis doctoral que involucre un estudio interdisciplinario de una o más cortes internacionales. A continuación se brindan más detalles del evento (que será en inglés). El folleto en pdf puede encontrase aquí.

The set-up
The iCourts/PluriCourts summer school is based on the principle of participant contributions to the knowledge community. This means that students who sign up for the summer school are expected to contribute to discussions and to participate in the exercises that are part of the learning program. As you learn more through active participation, the summer school requires of you that you will be willing to share your work through presentations and to share your intellectual curiosity with others by asking questions and giving comments to other participants.

Time: June 22-26 2015 at 9:00-21:00

Place: iCourts, Studiegården, Studiestræde 6, 1455 Copenhagen K

Participation and expenses: The course is offered free of charge but the participants carry out expenses relating to travel and accommodation.

Deadline for submission: 1 April 2015. Please use this registration form.

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