
miércoles, 20 de noviembre de 2013

Human Rights and Civil Liberties in the 21st Century

Este reporte fue elaborado por Oswaldo Ruiz-Chiriboga.

La editorial Springer colgó en su página web la versión electrónica del libro Human Rights and Civil Liberties in the 21st Century, editado por Yves Haeck y Eva Brems, del Centro de Derechos Humanos de la Universidad de Gante, Bélgica. Esta es la descripción de la obra:

“This volume contributes to the on-going legal discussion on pressing procedural and substantial law issues in the ambit of international human rights and civil liberties. While the 20th century has seen the true awakening of human rights, the 21st century poses new challenges to this ever-unfolding area of law. Not only do international tribunals and quasi-tribunals worldwide and domestic US and European continental courts have to deal with increasing numbers of complaints and petitions from individuals and groups on a vast array of societal problems, the legal issues put to them are sometimes extremely difficult to resolve as they relate to very sensitive issues. This book examines issues ranging from the status of human rights under US law to the status of the ECHR in the broader context of international law. It looks at the role of positive obligations in the case law of the Strasbourg Court, as well the impact of its case-law on childbirth and push-back operation towards boat people, but also at the growing unwillingness of ECHR member states to cooperate with the Strasbourg Court. It explores the new frontiers in US Capital punishment litigation, the first case before the International Criminal Court and the legal effect of judgments of the European Court on third states.​

Esta es la tabla de contenidos: 

Interpretation and Application of the European Convention on Human Right in the Broader Context of International Law: Myth or Reality?
Cesare Pitea
Pages 1-14

Universal Human Rights Law in the United States
Mortimer N. S. Sellers
Pages 15-35

The Duty of Cooperation of the Respondent State During the Proceedings Before the European Court of Human Rights
Helena De Vylder and Yves Haeck 
Pages 37-67

Protection by the Law: The Positive Obligation to Develop a Legal Framework to Adequately Protect ECHR Rights
Laurens Lavrysen
Pages 69-129

The Adjudication Process and Reasoning at the International Criminal Court: The Lubanga Trial Chamber Judgment, Sentencing and Reparations
Susana SáCouto and Katherine Cleary
Pages 131-155

Interim Measures Before the Inter-American and African Human Rights Commissions: Strengths and Weaknesses
Clara Burbano-Herrera and Frans Vilijoen
Pages 157-177

The Law of the Sea and Human Rights in the Hirsi Jamaa and Others v. Italy Judgment of the European Court of Human Rights
Jasmine Coppens
Pages 179-202

New Frontiers in American Capital Punishment Litigation
Eric M. Freedman
Pages 203-211
The Impact of European Human Rights on Childbirth
Marlies Eggermont
Pages 213-222

Res Interpretata: Legal Effect of the European Court of Human Rights’ Judgments for other States Than Those Which Were Party to the Proceedings
Adam Bodnar
Pages 223-262

La versión impresa del libro saldrá a la luz en el 2014, pero por un tiempo limitado los interesados podrá descargar gratuitamente el libro en el enlace que aparece aquí.